IT’S A WRAP! 🎬 The @eave_producers workshop 2024 has concluded for @edwingoldman, who was invited together with 55 producers from all over the world. The participants joined a year long programme focused on three intensive weeks featuring professional development through working on the development of fiction, documentary and TV series projects. Edwin participated with the project ‘Skylge’ by writer/director @stefanos_tsivopoulos. His exciting journey marks the beginning of many exciting collaborations, new opportunities, and lifelong friendships!
With support of @nederlands_filmfonds
#FilmProduction #FilmProducer #EAVE_producers #GoldmanFilm

IT’S A WRAP! 🎬 The @eave_producers workshop 2024 has concluded for @edwingoldman, who was invited together with 55 producers from all over the world. The participants joined a year long programme focused on three intensive weeks featuring professional development through working on the development of fiction, documentary and TV series projects. Edwin participated with the project ‘Skylge’ by writer/director @stefanos_tsivopoulos. His exciting journey marks the beginning of many exciting collaborations, new opportunities, and lifelong friendships!

With support of @nederlands_filmfonds

#FilmProduction #FilmProducer #EAVE_producers #GoldmanFilm

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It was a great joy to get together with our colleagues and friends at the Berlinale Film Festival @berlinale ! From all kinds of disciplines - producers, distributors, sales agents, exhibitors and financiers - we reunited in this small cozy Berlin restaurant, to connect on our shared interest and love for cinema. Thanks again to everyone for the fun and inspiring time, and many thanks to Da Piada for hosting the dinner. See you again next year!

@nordiskfilm @indi_film @ulrichstiehm #bananatreefilm @danielleraaphorst @studio100 @dealproductions @limburgfilm @black_sheep_fp @naftafilms @nederlandsfilmfonds @eye_film @zischlermannfilm @kozmoprolita #PhantaFilm #PhantaBasta #GoldmanFilm @phanta_basta @edwingoldman

It was a great joy to get together with our colleagues and friends at the Berlinale Film Festival @berlinale ! From all kinds of disciplines - producers, distributors, sales agents, exhibitors and financiers - we reunited in this small cozy Berlin restaurant, to connect on our shared interest and love for cinema. Thanks again to everyone for the fun and inspiring time, and many thanks to Da Piada for hosting the dinner. See you again next year!

@nordiskfilm @indi_film @ulrichstiehm #bananatreefilm @danielleraaphorst @studio100 @dealproductions @limburgfilm @black_sheep_fp @naftafilms @nederlandsfilmfonds @eye_film @zischlermannfilm @kozmoprolita #PhantaFilm #PhantaBasta #GoldmanFilm @phanta_basta @edwingoldman

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FOODIES | Produced by Phanta Film & Goldman Film

Speelfilm (2022), romantische komedie, NL, kleur, 89 min, Nederlands gesproken

Scenario: Floor van Lissa
Regie: Mannin de Wildt
Met een scenariobijdrage van: Jeroen Margry, Richard Kemper, Edwin Goldman
Cast: Sanne Vogel, Sinan Eroglu, Holly Mae Brood, Sanne Langelaar, Roue Verveer, Ilse Warringa, e.a.
Producenten: Goldman Film & Phanta Film
Distributeur: WW Entertainment
Sales Agent: Incredible Film
Sam (Samantha), is een populaire foodblogger die, zonder dat ze het weet, een negatieve recensie schrijft over het restaurant van de chef waar ze net verliefd op is geworden. Kan ze haar geloofwaardigheid als influencer behouden én zijn liefde winnen, voordat het restaurant haar deuren moet sluiten?

Met steun van Stichting Abraham Tuschinski Fonds en de Netherlands Film Production Incentive.


Feature film (2022), romantic comedy, NL, color, 89 min, Dutch spoken

Screenplay: Floor by Lissa
Director: Mannin de Wildt
With a script contribution by: Jeroen Margry, Richard Kemper, Edwin Goldman
Cast: Sanne Vogel, Sinan Eroglu, Holly Mae Brood, Sanne Langelaar, Roue Verveer, Ilse Warringa, etc.
Producers: Goldman Film & Phanta Film
Distributor: WW Entertainment
Sales Agent: Incredible Film
Sam (Samantha), is a popular food blogger who, unknowingly, writes a negative review about the chef's restaurant she just fell in love with. Can she maintain her credibility as an influencer and win his love before the restaurant has to close its doors?

With support from the Abraham Tuschinski Fund Foundation and the Netherlands Film Production Incentive.

#GoldmanFilm #PhantaFilm

FOODIES | Produced by Phanta Film & Goldman Film

Speelfilm (2022), romantische komedie, NL, kleur, 89 min, Nederlands gesproken

Scenario: Floor van Lissa
Regie: Mannin de Wildt
Met een scenariobijdrage van: Jeroen Margry, Richard Kemper, Edwin Goldman
Cast: Sanne Vogel, Sinan Eroglu, Holly Mae Brood, Sanne Langelaar, Roue Verveer, Ilse Warringa, e.a.
Producenten: Goldman Film & Phanta Film
Distributeur: WW Entertainment
Sales Agent: Incredible Film
Sam (Samantha), is een populaire foodblogger die, zonder dat ze het weet, een negatieve recensie schrijft over het restaurant van de chef waar ze net verliefd op is geworden. Kan ze haar geloofwaardigheid als influencer behouden én zijn liefde winnen, voordat het restaurant haar deuren moet sluiten?

Met steun van Stichting Abraham Tuschinski Fonds en de Netherlands Film Production Incentive.


Feature film (2022), romantic comedy, NL, color, 89 min, Dutch spoken

Screenplay: Floor by Lissa
Director: Mannin de Wildt
With a script contribution by: Jeroen Margry, Richard Kemper, Edwin Goldman
Cast: Sanne Vogel, Sinan Eroglu, Holly Mae Brood, Sanne Langelaar, Roue Verveer, Ilse Warringa, etc.
Producers: Goldman Film & Phanta Film
Distributor: WW Entertainment
Sales Agent: Incredible Film
Sam (Samantha), is a popular food blogger who, unknowingly, writes a negative review about the chef`s restaurant she just fell in love with. Can she maintain her credibility as an influencer and win his love before the restaurant has to close its doors?

With support from the Abraham Tuschinski Fund Foundation and the Netherlands Film Production Incentive.

#GoldmanFilm #PhantaFilm

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VALS (2019) - Feature film

Writers: Alexandra Penrhyn Lowe
Original story: van Mel Wallis de Vries
Producers: Goldman Film & Phanta Film
Co-producer: KRO-NCRV
Cast: Romy Gevers, Abbey Hoes, Olivia Lonsdale, Holly Mae Brood, Gijs Blom, Thijs Boermans, Niek Roozen, Shahine El-Hamus
Distributor (BENELUX): Dutch FilmWorks
Sales: LevelK

#GoldmanFilm #PhantaFilm

VALS (2019) - Feature film

Writers: Alexandra Penrhyn Lowe
Original story: van Mel Wallis de Vries
Producers: Goldman Film & Phanta Film
Co-producer: KRO-NCRV
Cast: Romy Gevers, Abbey Hoes, Olivia Lonsdale, Holly Mae Brood, Gijs Blom, Thijs Boermans, Niek Roozen, Shahine El-Hamus
Distributor (BENELUX): Dutch FilmWorks
Sales: LevelK

#GoldmanFilm #PhantaFilm

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